Exceptional Education Department

Mrs. Tiffany Murrell- Exceptional Education Director
Tiffany Murrell


IDEA Part B and Pre-School Application

Leland School District

Executive Summary and Data Review

SY 2024-2025

Grant H027A150108 and H173A150113

The Leland School District has reviewed the performance captured on the State Performance Plan (SPP)/Annual Performance Report (APR) for the Federal Fiscal Year 2014 as published in June 2015 (See attached SPP/APR District Performance Report, FFY 2013 (School Year 2014-2015).  Upon careful review of the published date, areas have been identified of success and areas of need in the various results and compliance indicators. 

Of the 34 pieces of data publicly reported, Leland School District did not meet 8 (23.5), met 9 (26.5), and  (29.4) N/A were reported as not applicable due to the small size (less than 10) of the population in this particular field.  The indicators were  reviewed in four areas as required by IDEA: Free appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for Indicators 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8; Disproportionality for Indicators 9 and 10

Areas of success (defined as having met the targets indicated in the SPP) include both compliance and results indicators:

     FAPE-Dropout (indicator 2), Suspensions/Expulsions (Indicators 4a, 4b), Least Restrictive Environment (Indicator 5a, 5c), and Parent Involvement (Indicator 8)

     Disproportionality – Disproportionate representation in Special Education ( Indicator 9; Disproportionate representation in specific categories ( Indicator 10)

     Child Find- NR

     Effective Transition- NR

Areas of need (defined as having not met the targets indicated in the SPP) include both compliance and result indicators.

     FAPE – Graduation, percent of youth with IEPs graduating with regular diploma (Indicator 1), Statewide Assessment Met AMO, Proficiency (Indicators 3b, 3c), Least Restrictive Environment Inside the classroom less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b), Preschool settings regular early childhood programs and receiving majority of SPED and related services in regular early childhood program ( Indicator 6a), Separate class or separate school or residential facility (Indicator 6b)

     Disproportionality – Met

     Child Find- NR

     Effective Transition-Secondary Transition with IEP Goals (Indicator 13).

Academic supports will be provided and monitored for students in general education courses and students at risk for the 2021-2022 school term.



The Gifted Program is provided in grades 2-6.  The goal of the program is to provide the students with a rich and rigorous gifted curriculum.  Our goal is to satisfy the gifted students' intellectual curiosity.  The students are identified for the program by a group screening that is done in First Grade.  Once a student scores a certain percentage then other screening tests are performed.  Students may also be referred for testing at any time by a teacher, parent, grandparent, or administrator. 

The gifted teacher in Leland School District holds a teaching certification for gifted education. 

  • Mary Hardy serves the gifted students at Edna Scott Elementary.

The gifted classes participate in meaningful research, development of thinking skills, creativity, group dynamics, communication, career discovery, and self directed learning.  The students meet with their gifted teachers for four hours per week.


Mrs. Tiffany Murrell serves as the district gifted coordinator. If there are any questions about the gifted education program, please call (662) 686-5006 or email tiffanymurrell@lelandk12.org.